DS-Conditional-One and DS-Conditional-All in C++

This library is developed to perform efficient and exact computation of Dempster’s and Fagin-Halpern conditionals.

Citation and Acknowledgement Policy

If you use the software, we request that the corresponding articles be cited as follows:

For computing DST operations:

      title = {A Framework for Efficient Computation of Belief Theoretic Operations},
      author = {Polpitiya, Lalintha G. and Premaratne, Kamal and Murthi, Manohar N. and Sarkar, Dilip},
      booktitle = {Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Information Fusion (FUSION)},
      address = {Heidelberg, Germany},
      pages = {1570--1577}
      month = {July}
      year = {2016}

DS-Conditional-One for computing specific DST conditionals:

      title = {Efficient Computation of Belief Theoretic Conditionals},
      author = {Polpitiya, Lalintha G. and Premaratne, Kamal and Murthi, Manohar N. and Sarkar, Dilip},
      booktitle = {Proc. 10th Int. Symp. Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA)},
      address = {Lugano, Switzerland},
      pages = {265--276}
      month = {July}
      year = {2017}

DS-Conditional-All for computing all DST conditionals:

      title = {Efficient Computation of Conditionals in the {D}empster-{S}hafer Belief Theoretic Framework},
      author = {Polpitiya, Lalintha G. and Premaratne, Kamal and Murthi, Manohar N. and Murrell, Stephen J. and Sarkar, Dilip},
      journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Cybernetics},
      year = {2020}
      note = {to be published}